黃牧師來自台灣四代基督信仰家族,自小在教會信主成長。高中開始參加團契事奉,大學擔任團契同工及主席,蒙召牧職前在教會帶職服事。曾獲台北文化大學化學工程學士(1995),中華福音神學院道學碩士(2002),美國麻州戈登康威爾神學院神學碩士(2007) 及教牧學博士(2019)等學位。在台曾任職康那香企業銷售工程師,中華信義會新竹勝利堂教師。自2007起在美國康州新港加略山浸信會擔任全職傳道至2010年,並於2012起服事於雀雪恩典浸信會至今。他於2014年按立牧職。除在本會牧養外,黃牧師經常受邀至康州各教會講道,並曾擔任本州華人教會聯合退修會(NECCC)工作坊講員。他與師母蘇雅憫傳道為華神同學,於2003結婚並育有二女。黃牧師對華人移民教會及社群有特別負擔,對華人福音工作負有使命。他也關心康州華人教會現況,幫助組織牧者聯合禱告會。平時喜歡看書及影片,對建築有興趣,鍛練劍道。
Rev. Dr. Josh Huang came from a Taiwanese Christian family. He grew up in the church. During college time he served in a student fellowship as a coworker and chairman. Before responding to a pastoral calling he served as a church volunteer. He was awarded a B. S. Degree in Chemical Engineering from Chinese Cultural University, Taipei, 1995; Master of Divinity from China Evangelical Seminary, 2002; Master of Theology and Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, MA, respectively in 2007 and 2019. He was a sales engineer at a hygiene enterprise. After graduating from the Taiwanese seminary, he served as Associate Pastor in the Chinese Lutheran Brethren Victory Church. In the U. S., he started his full-time ministry at Calvary Baptist Church of New Haven, CT, from 2007 to 2010. Since 2012 he served as Chinese Pastor in Grace Baptist Church of Cheshire, CT. He was ordained in 2014. Pastor Josh met his wife, minister Yamin Su, in the seminary, and married each other in 2003. They raised two daughters. Pastor Josh has a passion for the Chinese ministry among immigrants and devotes himself to the Chinese mission in Connecticut. He speaks in both Chinese and English. He cares about the well-being of Chinese churches in the area and often gathers pastors for regular prayer meetings. He is a book and film lover, interested in architecture, and a Kendo martial-art practitioner.